Rendering Passivity Obsolete

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Updates to Site

We have added the revised content for the chapters we had previously on the website and have added an excerpt from the chapter on the women in our lives. Check it out and let us know what you think.

Contract Signed

Just want to give you a heads up that today we signed a contract with the publisher for both the book and the workbook. This has been a long fought battle to get the funding and get the contract signed. Now we are going to be working on finalizing the manuscript and the workbook questions. If everything goes according to the plan we felt has been outlined by God, we should have both available by September, if not sooner.

Please continue to lift us up in prayer and check back for further updates.


With the end of year donations still trickling in, we are just $3700 away from having the book done and ready. We are still looking for gifts to help us reach the goal. If you feel led, would you pray about donating? All donations are tax deductible.

Off to Publisher

The rough manuscript was sent to the publishers for review. Please pray for a favorable review and that they like it enough to take the project on. We should know by the end of September and we will keep you posted.